Ezra Jack
Where have I been?!? With this bundle of sweetness!!!
Ezra Jack!
Thanks for all your emails asking for an update! I am really going to try and be more consistent in my writing.
He arrived August 27th Which now makes him ONE month!! How on earth! Time just goes by so fast when you aren't sleeping đŸ˜‚
Im kidding. He has actually been sleeping like a champ:-)
Anyone up for a birth story? I love how a group of girls can get together, no matter when it was that they last had babies and in detail re tell their birth stories!
The most painful moment collides with the most incredible moment and you can't ever forget it.
I had a midwife this time round and LOVED my experience!!
Due date was August 29th but We prayed that Ezra would come before or really close to that date bc Kev was going to school and it would be great if he could be home with us for a week.
Well come August 26th and this mama went into labor! Thank you Jesus!
I decided to do a natural drug free birth bc I was induced and had epiderals with the boys. So my easily bored personality thought I would switch it up! No joke, I didn't think it would hurt so bad đŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚ wow. Naive has a new face - mine!
We got to the birthing center at 530am and labor stopped progressing through the morning, which is pretty depressing when you so badly want this baby out!!!!
They broke my water around noon and then realized he had changed positions :-/ and that's why he wasn't coming faster. He was sunny side up (face to the sun) and so I cried inside a little and then we moved on. We tried some new positions and took a homeopathic remedy. I was so exhausted so I went into the bath and finally felt the need to push! That's real. Oh is it real. With an epiderual u don't feel the urge, you just feel a pressure. So this was definitely new.
So after 30 min Ezra made his entrance to this world! Came out all sideways with his little hand by his face - but we both survived even though I wasn't sure I would!!
He was 9.3lb and 20 in. A little Chubster!
Would I ever choose to do this again? No. No. No! Haha
Though this labor was the third child wild card and it was more wild than most births. So maybe it wouldn't have been as bad had it gone a little faster!
Though you know what? The thing that was different was that we prayed all through this labor and had worship music playing. It set the tone for the long day and we so clearly felt the presence and peace of God! It was long and painful yet so beautiful. And kevin. That man!! He did incredible. So thankful for him. And he didn't pass out! Whoohoo! I wasn't sure he wouldn't but he was a superstar!
There is also something to be said for this:
"His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness.... (2 Peter 1:3 ESV)"
Like.... The power to overcome....
FEAR. Fear has no place in the delivery room! And there wasn't any. I'm working on overcoming fear in my life and labor was a total victory where Jesus gets full credit.
So our sweet boy is here! I am in awe. He is such a joy and we are entirely enjoying him. Truly truly enjoying him. I can't believe he is here! After two years of trying. Such a miracle!!!
The older boys are loving him so much! And as often as I have asked for their help they haven't complained once! So thankful for that.
We have our hard days but I'll take them! I'm just so thankful for the blessings in my life it makes it harder to see the difficult things.
We have been so loved! Again! Meals, gifts, so many snuggles! Truly we are blessed and we know it and don't take it for granted. So thank you!
I have no time for getting any of my stuff done, I'm going on day three of not washing my hairđŸ˜© but I did make an edible stew for dinner and my kids are all alive and hubby is smiling so what else really matters?
Ok well I think that's it for now! My baby brained head needs to go to sleep:-)
And Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!!
Ok, here are a few more shots of our sweet little man! He is smiling! Be still my beating heart.
I love love love your birth story, it is crazy how we women love to replay that story over and over whether within our own head, or outloud to anyone who will listen, lol.
I feel your pain in the natural department, I decided to have a natural labour with Brooke as well. After 12 hours of labour and still only 3 cm I wasn't sure I would make it - I mean, who says your second should be shorter?!? What?? lol. Anyway, at 6:30pm I was still at 3 and they decided to break my water. Brooke was born at 7:10pm with her hand by her head (ouch) but luckily it could have been a lot worse had she not been only 6lbs6oz. I thank God for the quick ending as I would not have made it naturally if it weren't for that.
Anyway, I will be following you on your blog from now on, as I didn't feel facebook was a secure place to share my children anymore. But at least I can keep in touch with you on here!!
Miss you beautiful lady!!
~Erin Coote
Glory to God! God is good!
Oh this baby brain! He was big! 9.3!!! 20"long and his head was also big. I felt proud to push him out haha it was tough lol
Robin Flaten
love mandi
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I was suffering from Warts Simplex Virus, i was totally depressed due to my predicament , until i meet Dr Nana the great Traditional healer who cured me. you can also contact him now on whatsapp +2347014784614.or via email:on drnanaherbalsolutionhome@gmail .com for more information.